Red Nucleus Training Institute
Providing on-demand training solutions
Introduction to Good Laboratory Practices

Introduction to Good Laboratory Practices
~0.50 hrs | GLP - Nonclinical Operations & ProcessThis module provides an overview of the rules, regulations, and guidelines that companies must or should follow during nonclinical studies to show the efficacy of nonclinical studies, and why these rules are important.
Module Details
At the completion of this module, you should be able to:
• Define GLPs and locate where GLP principles are required in the drug development process
• Recall the main points that highlight the minimal requirements for GLP principles
• Recognize typical GLP studies and reasons for conducting them
• State how regulatory guidance is applied to GLP studies
• Recall common GLP terminology
• Self-paced e-learning format
• On-demand access from your Learning Management
System (LMS) or from RN’s hosting solution, Unify
• Module-level interactive learning exercises and
self-check questions
• Fully cited and sourced from a blend of Red Nucleus
best practices and global health authority regulations
and guidance
• Updated annually
• SCORM compliant
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