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Red Nucleus Training Institute

Providing on-demand training solutions

Contract Laboratory Qualification and Contracting

Contract Laboratory Qualification and Contracting

Contract Laboratory Qualification and Contracting

~0.50 hrs | GLP - Nonclinical Operations & Process

This module will discuss considerations for qualifying and selecting a contract laboratory, the procurement process, and defining the necessary elements of a quality agreement to achieve the goal of completing a successful GLP study.

Module Details

At the completion of this module, you should be able to:

• Recognize the steps involved in a contract laboratory procurement process
• State the differences between a master service agreement (MSA) and a quality agreement and identify the required content of each
• Recall the main responsibilities for managing a nonclinical laboratory study


• Self-paced e-learning format
• On-demand access from your Learning Management
System (LMS) or from RN’s hosting solution, Unify
• Module-level interactive learning exercises and
self-check questions
• Fully cited and sourced from a blend of Red Nucleus
best practices and global health authority regulations
and guidance
• Updated annually
• SCORM compliant

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