Red Nucleus Training Institute
Providing on-demand training solutions
Annual GLP Refresher

Annual GLP Refresher
~0.50 hrs | GLP - Annual GLP RefresherThe GLP Refresher module will cover the top 10 regulatory observations from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other global health authorities and updates to global regulations and guidance. You will also engage in a case study.
Module Details
At the completion of this module, you should be able to:
• Recognize compliance violations in a case study
• Recall the consequences of actions taken by Industrial Bio-Test Laboratories (IBT) that positively impacted GLP
• Identify the objective and scope of US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) enforcement in GLP
• State current FDA observation trends in GLP
• Self-paced e-learning format
• On-demand access from your Learning Management
System (LMS) or from RN’s hosting solution, Unify
• Module-level interactive learning exercises and
self-check questions
• Fully cited and sourced from a blend of Red Nucleus
best practices and global health authority regulations
and guidance
• Updated annually
• SCORM compliant
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