Red Nucleus Training Institute
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GDPR Requirements for Marketing Data

GDPR Requirements for Marketing Data
0.50 hrs | GDPRThis module will explore a range of topics that explain how the European Union General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, applies to the types of personal data marketing companies typically collect from consumers.
Module Details
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
• Identify the types of marketing data covered under GDPR and the roles involved in processing it
• Recognize the benefits of GDPR compliance from a marketing perspective
• Self-paced e-learning format
• On-demand access from your Learning Management
System (LMS) or from RN’s hosting solution, Unify
• Module-level interactive learning exercises and
self-check questions
• Fully cited and sourced from a blend of Red Nucleus
best practices and global health authority regulations
and guidance
• Updated annually
• SCORM compliant
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