A collaborative relationship between payers and manufacturers is critical to patient access.
Manufacturers need to stay up to date with industry trends and understand stakeholder perceptions and/or concerns in order to engage in meaningful dialogues; however, challenges exist today.

Key Manufacturer Challenges
- Determining who has the capacity, knowledge, position to engage
- Understanding what is a topic of interest vs. priority, and how it may evolve
- Engaging stakeholders who have different and conflicting priorities and developing personalized engagement approaches
- Accepting that efforts may not deliver tangible results immediately
- Allowing stakeholders to drive the engagement, shape public discourse
- Coordinating and collaborating internally to maintain consistent messaging, and to efficiently respond to and resolve issues
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a tool that can holistically capture and assess payer perceptions of manufacturers over time, as well as identify ways for manufacturers to become better partners.
Red Nucleus tailors assessment categories to each company collaboratively to benchmark stakeholder perceptions and identify strategies that will improve perceptions, build partnerships, and optimize access.

Stakeholder perceptions and behaviors are constantly evolving, necessitating a clear understanding of payer priorities to be able to deliver valuable information.

Changing payer perceptions and behaviors requires establishing and maintaining a strong, consistent and transparent relationship between account manager and payer.

Ultimately, patient access and stakeholder relationships can be improved by promptly understanding and addressing existing payer challenges and misconceptions.

Red Nucleus has a wealth of capabilities that can help you improve relationships, internal and external collaboration, access, and utilization.
Building a positive stakeholder partnership cannot be done overnight; manufacturers should conduct a benchmarking study periodically to measure the effectiveness of payer engagement and stay up-to-date.

Created by Kyle Clifton and Peggy Ho.